Many magical stories can be found throughout history. Many valuable treasures have been uncovered in this realm of folklore in order to secure a place in our history. Paithani silk is one such tradition that has thrived over the years and may be seen draped across lovely brides in numerous weddings.

This silk and zari tradition began centuries before modern civilisation in the state of Maharashtra. Pathani gets its name from Paithan, a Maharashtra town where it was born. For most Maharashtrian women, silk that can be largely attributed to such humble origins has become a treasured heirloom.
It is a symbol of the state's history; the royals of the 18th century began their love affair with Paithani. According to legend, the silk originally caught the attention of the Peshwa dynasty that ruled at the time. Paithani silk flourished and became a bastion in the state thanks to this empire.
What is Paithani?
Paithani sarees are created from a pure blend of silk and zari. It's a saree with a one-of-a-kind bunnai /weaving technique that's all done by hand. This silk is made without the use of any machinery. The sarees are painstakingly crafted, with every inch of silk and zari imbued with the craft's history.
The sarees are made of the classiest silk available. Paithani sarees are recognised for their distinct as well as traditional designs, as well as their artistic zari border work. The exquisite zari on the border and pallu adds to the opulence of the saree.
The sarees come in both plain and detailed styles. It straddles the line respectively simplicity and majesty.
Most Maharashtrian weddings feature the Paithani saree. The sarees' exquisite detail makes it an obvious choice. It is treasured because of the legacy woven into its threads. The garment is treasured due to its handcrafted nature. It's soothing because of how easily it frames a silhouette. It is, in every way, the ideal gown for any bride on her wedding day.
As a result, most Maharashtra weddings will feature a bride draped in the famed Paithani silk.
Many people are aware of the saree's popularity among brides in Maharashtra, and it is a tradition that is passed down from mother to daughter as she prepares for her big day.
How is it Constructed?
Only expert hands touch the saree from conception to completion. At no point in the process are machines or mechanics used.
The sarees are made of pure silk, and the zari is made from pure gold. Because of this, it is one of the most sought-after options in the world of traditional handloom sarees. The saree is made of a plain weave that serves as the foundation for the saree's simplicity. The zari is interlocked with the silk using minute cloth pins delicately wielded by the artisans, which adds to the complication. The tapestry weaving technique is also used in the weaving process.
One of the reasons for the sarees' fame in the state and the world of handloom is the painstakingly long and detailed process that goes into making them. A saree can take months to mature into the final gorgeous sheen of silk that we select for ourselves.

The sovereign
Paithani silk is renowned as the "Queen of Silk Sarees." This is because silk was used to adorn the royalty of the time across many palaces. It was a great suggestion among ancient queens and princesses, who were responsible for bringing silk into the spotlight.
The regal glow of sarees has persisted for centuries after royalty first chose it to encase their precious frames. Even today, Maharashtrian women channel the strength and resilience of their forefathers through the Paithani silk threads. The gold and silver that links through the weaves makes it clear to all who see it that it is indeed a royal touch.
Dark Cream Silk Saree with Embroidered Zari Work Pallu
Paithani silk has been spun for centuries for Maharashtra women and others who come in search of the legendary material. Once the story is told, it is impossible to deny the choice. The hand cannot help but reach out and caress the soft folds of that vibrant material from the moment a woman's eyes clap onto a stretch of it. The fabric conforms to the frame over which it is draped, encircling the silhouette with grace and power.
It is not just a piece of material or a treasure trove of haphazard efforts. It is an anachronism of a bygone era and an heirloom passed down from the royals of the homeland who stay watch over us. It is more than just silk; it is the road to our own royal grandeur.
Golden Yellow Zari Woven Silk Saree and Pink Embroidered Pallu